"The only real stumbling block is fear of failure. In cooking you've got to have a what-the-hell attitude." Julia Child

Saturday, July 13, 2013

sourdough oat bread

Yield: 2 loaves
1,270 calories per loaf
Active time: 15 minutes
Total time: Overnight proof required, about 17 hours

1 cup sourdough starter, fed
1½ cups lukewarm water
2 teaspoons yeast
3½ cups high gluten flour
1 cup instant oats
2 teaspoons salt

1. In a 2 cup Pyrex measuring cup, combine the lukewarm water, yeast, and a pinch of sugar. Set aside for 10 minutes. See “seeded multigrain truffle rolls” for photos of fermenting yeast.

2. In your stand mixer bowl, combine the fed starter, flour, oats, salt, and pepper.

3. With the dough hook attached, “stir”.

4. Slowly add in the yeast mixture and continue to “stir” until a shaggy dough forms.

5. Increase the stand mixer speed to 2 and knead until a smooth, soft, and cohesive dough forms, about 5 minutes.

6. Turn the dough out onto your counter top, knead by hand a few turns, and shape into a ball.

7. Place the dough in a large bowl, cover with plastic wrap, and set aside to rise until it’s doubled in bulk, about 2 hours.

8. Turn the dough out onto your counter top, divide in half, and shape into a loaf.  To eliminate air bubbles, I've been rolling the dough into a rectangle, rolling it into a log, pinching the seams, and rolling the seam on the counter top.

9. Repeat with the other half of the dough.

10. Place the loaves in a loaf pan or on a parchment or silpat lined baking sheet.

11. Place in the fridge for at least 12 hours.

12. Remove the loaves from the fridge and let rise to room temperature, about 2 hours.

13. With about 30 minutes left in the final proof, preheat your oven to 450 degrees.

14. Bake until golden brown, about 40 minutes. Because the dough is soft, you may want to tent the loaves after 20 minutes to prevent browning. I like to think the browning makes the loaves look rustic. :)

Original recipe found here.

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