"The only real stumbling block is fear of failure. In cooking you've got to have a what-the-hell attitude." Julia Child

Sunday, March 31, 2013

classic baguette

Last month, I started and maintained a sourdough starter using all-purpose flour.  After reading through various blogs, I decided to try my hand at a sourdough starter that used rye flour, substituting it for what is outlined in this recipe. 

Yield: 3 baguettes
700 calories per baguette
Active time: 25 minutes
Total time: Up to 20 hours

for the starter
1/2 cup lukewarm water
A pinch of yeast
1 cup high gluten flour 

for the dough
1 teaspoon yeast
1 cup lukewarm water
all of the starter
3 ½ cups high gluten flour
2 teaspoons salt

the day before:
1. In a small sized bowl or Tupperware, combine the lukewarm water, yeast, and flour. Stir, cover, and let rest at room temperature for about 14 hours, or overnight.

the day of:
2. Take out starter, it should have risen and become bubbly. If it hasn't, your yeast may not be working. Dissolve 1/4 teaspoon of yeast in 1 tablespoon lukewarm water with a pinch of sugara Add to your starter and wait 15 minutes. If nothing happens, replace your yeast, and begin the starter process again.

Because I used a starter I began cultivating over 5 days ago, my starter didn't look super active. I dissolved pinches of yeast and sugar along with a tablespoon of lukewarm water to get it going.

3. Combine the lukewarm water, yeast, and pinch of sugar in a small bowl. Let stand for 10 minutes. (See “loaded baked potato pinwheels” for more in fermenting yeast.)

4. In your stand mixer bowl, combine the flour, salt, and all of the starter. (I used 1 ½ cup of my rye starter.)

5. Using the dough hook attachment, “stir” until a shaggy dough forms.

6. Slowly pour in the yeast mixture, kneading on “stir” until a cohesive dough forms.

7. Increase your stand mixer speed to 2 or 3 and knead until a smooth and elastic dough forms, about 5 minutes.

8. Turn the dough out onto a counter top and knead by hands a few turns, forming a ball.

9. Place the ball into a large bowl, lightly oiled bowl, cover with plastic wrap, and set aside.

10. After an hour has elapsed, punch down the dough. Re-cover with plastic wrap and set-aside.

11. After another hour has elapsed (120 minutes after first set the dough aside to rise), punch down the dough, re-cover with plastic wrap, and set-aside.

12. After another hour has elapsed (three hours since you first set the dough aside in step 9), turn the dough out onto your counter top and divide into three pieces.

13. Roll each into piece out into a rope and let rest for 15 minutes.

14. Fold each rope in half, squeezing to release air bubbles, and shaping into a baguette by gently rolling on the counter top to stretch the log accordingly. You want to be sure to knead out the air bubbles, or the result will be a humongous, lopsided loaf. Sadly, this was a lesson learnt through experience.)

15. Place on a parchment or silpat lined baking sheet, or baguette pan. Repeat with the remaining pieces of dough.

16. Cover with plastic wrap and let rise until very puffy, about 90 minutes.

17. I also made stuffed baguettes with one portion of the dough by cutting the dough into four pieces, rolling each piece out, filling each with smoked gouda and bacon and forming a jelly roll. (See “loaded baked potato pinwheels” for more cooking bacon and forming pinwheels.) I gave the stuffed baguettes about 30 minutes to rise.

18. With about 30 minutes remaining in the final proof, preheat your oven to 450 degrees.

19. Cover the baguettes with an egg wash and score.

20. Arrange a water bath and bake for 20-25 minutes, until the baguettes are golden brown and sound hollow when tapped(See step 9 of “carbs, glorious carbs!” for more on water baths.)

Original recipe found here

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